Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Blues Because I am so EMO

Yes. Sometimes too much caffeine makes me emo. F*ck caffeine. Oh wait, I love caffeine. Sorry. 

Reality hits you hard. Straight to your guts and then right through your brains. You feel that pang. That haunting voice and eerie shudder. But you have no choice. You have to fight it. And then, you have to beat it. Fast. Fast and straight. Because if you don’t, it takes you down to your knees. And when it’s not contented, it takes you flat on your face.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Epilogue on What Happens When You Don’t Know What’s Next

A dozen mosquito bites, an uneven tan and muddy shoes- these have been my new signs of a successful adventure. I’m surprised that I haven’t acquired dengue or malaria out of this trip. But it doesn’t matter. Even if I had I wouldn’t regret it once I survive. Mosquitoes are part of nature anyway. And this trip, by all means, was nature.

Looking at my right arm as I’ve counted eight swells from the bites so far, I perfectly remember the words from the man who welcomed us warmly in his humble abode that seemed like it has sprouted naturally from nowhere. It weren’t deep words really. But they were wise. Basically, what it meant was “get used to it”.