Monday, August 26, 2013

Never Have I Wanted So Much in My Life

There was this house on top of a hill. It was the only thing there. Not another establishment within the next few hectares. It was, as one might consider it, remote. Slightly unkempt and aged but it was weathered gracefully like an old woman having these beautiful wrinkles on the side of her eyes. That whenever she smiles, it was a reminder of the many others she did back when she was young. A little older though, one can feel its solitude, like it was left behind as the others moved on to the modern world.

Friday, August 2, 2013

"For Women Who are Difficult to Love" -Warsan Shire

I found a young poet, Warsan Shire, online and I instantly love her compositions. This was by far, my favorite as it hits home. She had me at "you can't make homes out of human beings", one line that spoke volumes to me. 

for women who are difficult to love - warsan shire

And since I cannot get enough, I watched the video as well. The added type of media made it more alive even though the poem was already full of life itself (not sure if that made sense).